Omega-3 & DHA Algae Oil Powder

Vegan omega-3 and DHA powder supplier

Purity Alternative of Traditional Fish Oils

Plant-based Omega-3 and DHA Algae Oil Powder

For the Omega-3 supplement, have you considered an algal plant-based alternative? Most Omega-3 fatty acid products use fish oil extracted from ocean fish, however, the DHA in fish is from microalgae in the food chain. As DHA from algae oil is sustainable and tastes more neutral than traditional fish oil, it was rapidly and widely accepted by the market.

Addressing Omega -3 Sourcing Concern by OMEGAWISE™ Algae Oil Powder

Eco-friendly and Sustainable Algae Oil Solution

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid for the human body that delivers the benefits of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) fatty acids. These are vital nutrients to support a healthy brain, eyes, and heart. With many health benefits, Omega-3 is a highly recognized ingredient and has been used across many applications.

With the rising number of vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian consumers. MCB is committed to filling the nutrient gap of Omega-3 in fish alternatives. After deep research and development, MCB successfully launched the vegan and allergen-free algae oil in powder form. The offering allows formulators to give consumers the benefits of DHA & EPA in a sustainable way. Especially the convenience and flexibility of powder formats allow the creation of more extensive product applications with more advantages.

OMEGAWISE™ algae oil powder is sourced from microalgae Schizachyrium, produced by spray-dry and micro-encapsulation technology for excellent free-flowing oil powder, allowing it to blend wholly and provide a rich and smooth mouthfeel for consumers. Moreover, MCB’s multi-layer micro-encapsulation process provides breakthrough protection for Omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, and EPA, offering highly stable and antioxidant algae oil powder.


Vegan Omega-3, DHA and EPA for Better Marine System


    OMEGAWISE™ Algae oil selected DHA-containing microalgae as sustainable and pure source, without artificial additives in line with free from specifications


    MCB’s patented multilayer micro-encapsulation technology spray-dried the algae oil without dairy emulsifier, allows formulators to develop plant-based nutrition products for vegan consumers.


    The stable and flavorless algal oil powder provides optimum palatability as an odorless fish oil alternative


    Multi-layer micro-encapsulation technology provides a valuable breakthrough for superior Omega-3 fatty acid protection which leads to difficulty to have oil leak out and a 150% extension of the shelf life.


    The powder form of algae oil had been applied in formulations for infants and young children, more extended to DHA nutritional supplements and functional foods for all ages.

vegan Omega-3 and DHA algae oil powder


bulk and wholesale vegan algae oil powder supplier

Sustainable Product

bulk and wholesale fish oil alternative powder supplier


bulk and wholesale farmed algae oil powder supplier

Clean Source

bulk and wholesale dha algae oil powder


bulk and wholesale fish oil alternative powder supplier
Bulk and Wholsale Algae Oil Powder Supplier

Benefits of Algae Oil Powder

  • Fish-free odorless and neutral flavor algae oil powder is perfect for extensive formula application.
  • A pure source fish oil alternative, without heavy metals and food safety concerns, algae oil powder is the best omega-3 and DHA source to support brain health for pregnancy and infant supplements, mainly used in formula milk.
  • Algae oil is rich in omega-3 and DHA as fish oil to meet the dietary needs of the growing vegan and vegetarian market.

Sustainable & Vegan Algae Oil Powder

Algae Oil Powder Sourced From Microalgae with rich Omega-3 and DHA

Spray dry algae oil powder supplier

12% DHA Algae Oil Powder

#Microalgae Oil Source

#DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acid


  • Schizachyrium Algae Oil Powder
  • DHA 12%
  • Vegetarian

17% DHA Algae Oil Powder

#Microalgae Oil Source

#DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acid


  • Schizachyrium Algae Oil Powder
  • DHA 17%
  • Vegetarian

17% Vegan DHA Algae Oil Powder

#Microalgae Oil Source

#DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acid


  • Schizachyrium Algae Oil Powder
  • DHA 17%
  • 100% Plant-based, Vegan
MCB Group Health & Nutrition Ingredients and Solutions


With global certification and production stander, MCB is your best partner for food and nutrition solutions toward healthy lifestyle.

Global Manufacturer and Supplier of Algae Oil Powder

Extensive Packaging of Algae Oil Powder with DHA content

MCB manufactures and supplies various packaging options of Plant-based DHA algae oil powder with highly versatile in any format. More than supplying bulk nutritional powder, MCB has the capability of formulation and production in all dosage forms, such as sachet, pouch, capsule, liquid, and ampoule. Partner with MCB for your private label needs.

MCB Offer Total Solution for Alage Oil Powder

Bulk & wholesale supplier of algae oil DHA powder

Algae oil powder straight repack in small packaging, with options including sachet, pouch, and jar for wholesale and commercial use

Your Trustworthy Partner in Nutritional Supply

MCB is a nutritional powder manufacturer provides turnkey solutions, bulk, and wholesale service of plant-based omega-3 and DHA algae oil powder.

Looking for a turnkey solution or bulk supplier to fulfill the plant-based market? We have a wide range of formulas and packaging. Contact us to discuss your ideas.